“Our accommodation at Scandinavian Village

After more than twenty years of traveling in all parts of the world, we were determined not to acquire a residence abroad. We liked to see new environments in distant parts of the world and looked forward to doing so even after retirement.

In February 2010, on our way home to Sweden after a trip in Southeast Asia, we visited friends at the Scandinavian Village in Bangsaen. We stayed as guests for two days and were fascinated by the large pool, the well-kept facility and the beautiful beach with all outdoor dining, almost without elements of Western tourism. The idea of ​​a place to live in Thailand was raised and led to us already in May of the same year buying our apartment at Scandinavian Village. We have never regretted our purchase, but spent our winters there and enjoyed our accommodation.

We start the morning by swimming two lengths in our 130 m long pool. Then breakfast and reading our Swedish e-magazines. We live an active life with many other active people with, among other things, water fully equipped indoor gym and other gym, go to movie and play golf on the beautiful courses around Bangsaen.

Thank´s to our well-functioning internet, we have been able to work remotely both from our terrace and by the pool. Scandinavian Village is located in Bangsaen, a fairly large university town, near Bangkok with a lovely beach promenade with swaying palm trees. The city is not a tourist city for Westerners, but is one popular weekend spot for Bangkokians. The proximity to Bangkok means that you can easily visit nearby Asian countries by plane or train.
We enjoy every time we come down to our well-maintained facility with the professional staff, who look after and maintain it in such a nice way.”

Eva and Christer C 305

“Our names are Charlotte and Henrik Pedersen and were introduced to Scandinavian Village through friends in 2017 when we were stationed in Singapore. After visiting SV a few times, we were pleasantly surprised by the social cohesion and the many opportunities for activities in the area. At the same time, the apartments we looked at were really nice and well-furnished, so we ended up buying B305 later in 2017.

We haven’t regretted it for a moment and are enjoying the weather, being with the smiling local people, the lovely Thai food and the good friends we’ve made among the neighbors on SW. We look forward to coming back every year.

Charlotte och Henrik B305

“Every year we used to go on holiday in late autumn to the Canary Islands. But when our son Stian married his wife from Thailand, we were at their wedding in Kon Ken. This was early January 2010 and we were very fascinated by the country and the climate in Winter.

For the next 3 years, we put our holidays in January/February and visited SV on a trip in 2013 where we visited a couple of friends who had an apartment here. The following year we went on a viewing tour which ended with us buying a 3-room apartment. Initially, we had decided that we would ‘Never’ own a holiday apartment in another country. But after a 5-week visit to SV in January/February 2014, we couldn’t resist having such a paradise to travel to. We took over in

October 2014 and have never for a day regretted that decision. We usually divide the year into 2 seasons. We travel down in October and home for Christmas celebrations in Norway and then return to Thailand in January for 2 new months.
The winter climate is wonderful in Thailand. As proof of our satisfaction, we bought a larger apartment in 2022 and then tried to be continuous from October to March – that is, 5 months – The 5 months among good neighbors went so much too quickly.
We hope that with this we can tempt other Norwegians to ‘Try living’ at SV in the coming season.”

Per and Zorica C304

“For 18 years we have owned our apartment at Scandinavian Village and cannot think of a better and nicer way to spend the Swedish winter months. In addition to all the organized activities such as golf, various gym sessions, excursions, bridge, etc., it is wonderful to just sit under the awning/fans on the terrace and read/enjoy a long breakfast of exotic fruits of all kinds, go down and have a refreshing swim in the pool and maybe have a happy chat with some neighbors. The social community is strong and there are many” playmates” to come up with fun things with.

Our own restaurant has great food, but if you want a change, there is a wide range of different types of restaurants down in Bangsaen. It’s always exciting to go to Bangkok for a few days, but many interesting destinations in the neighboring Asian countries are not far away either.”

Catharina och Jack B204

“Why should you stay at Scandinavian Village?

We bought our apartment C303 in the spring of 2010. We have spent every winter since then, 5 – 6 months. Before we bought our apartment, we had a house in France but soon discovered that the winters were too cold on the Riviera. The winters in Thailand are wonderful.

What is there to do at Scandinavian Village?

We have a pool approx. 140 m long where you can practice various water activities such as swimming and water aerobics. We have a gym fully equipped with machines and also a number of different gym sessions of varying degrees of difficulty. We have 2 tennis courts, boule courts, putting green and practice field for practicing chipping and bunker play. Golf competitions and golf excursions are arranged 5 days/week. After all these activities, it can be nice to go to our own massage department and relax.

We have our own restaurant where you can order Thai dishes as well as international dishes. We also have a number of parties per season.

This was a selection of things you can do at Scandinavian Village and fill your days with.

As you can understand, we have a great time at Scandinavian Village and can really recommend coming on a viewing trip and getting your own idea of ​​this fantastic place.”

Mia & Mats C303

“We happened to see an ad about Scandinavian Village, became interested and traveled there the following fall as trial residents. We had a nice period of about 3 weeks. We thought it was right for us and returned the following season and decided; “here we want to spend the Swedish winter period”.
Since 2004, we have been to Scandinavian Village every year and often 4 – 6 months without traveling to Sweden. Our family has come basically every season and has even traveled here in the summer sometimes.

We like the climate, all the Scandinavian neighbors, activities such as golf, bridge, water aerobics, organized, easily accessible gymnastics/workout, tennis, boule, etc. Excursions to attractions around Thailand – both organized in groups and arranged by ourselves.
We also appreciate the service of various kinds that Scandinavian Village provides; cleaning, laundry, repairs etc – but also help and support in more specific Thai matters and also help and support in healthcare matters (doctor, healthcare, dental). The supervision of our accommodation that Scandinavian Village does during our time in Sweden is invaluable.
There is much to add, but in summary; Scandinavian Village and Bangsaen are the right place for us! No tourist resort without the “real” Thailand!”

Monica and Hans B 502

“It´s really a “Scandinavian Village” – Danes, Norwegians and Swedes in a great mix. It is a fantastic privilege to have the opportunity to stay at Scandinavian Village during the coldest months in Sweden! For us golfers, there are a number of well-maintained courses nearby.

By car, it takes about 1.5 hours to Bangkok, where the range of culture, food and markets is fantastic. With tennis courts, a gym and a 125 meter long pool, you can just enjoy life at Scandinavian Village.”

Charlotte C405

¨We have lived in Scandinavian Village for 15 years. IT HAS BEEN 15 WONDERFUL YEARS with many new friends and experiences. One of the advantages of SV is that we do not live in a tourist resort but in Bangsean, a small town with a large university and hospital, a beautiful beach promenade and countless restaurants worth visiting.

Another big advantage for us is that there is an organization that looks after and looks after your apartment when you are not there. We wanted to live in a community with many activities and above all exercise activities. There is something for everyone. Everything from golf, tennis, “Friskis & Svettis & sweaty gym, swimming, boules, bridge to interesting lectures and pleasant cinema evenings. Living an active everyday life in warmth and light prolongs life.¨

Karin and Hakon B402

¨We are usually at Scandinavian Village between October and March. What we like so much is:

Fantastic weather, warm and pleasant even when the sun is not shining from the clear blue sky. The evenings are wonderful with temperatures rarely below 25 degrees.

Pleasant atmosphere at the facility, which means that you easily make new friends with whom you can hang out in a relaxed way.

The proximity to Bangkok and its airport means that you can experience the big city and easily make excursions to neighboring countries.

Golf is an important pastime for us and there are many golf courses in the immediate area. Scandinavian Villge also has competitions every week for both ladies and gentlemen. Other competitions such as scrambles and pairs competitions are organized monthly.

From Bangsaen you can make excursions to islands such as Koh Sichang, Koh Samet and Koh Chang where you can enjoy beach life in wonderful surroundings for one or a few days.

We happily recommend Scandinavian Village!¨

Jan and Ann-Christine B501

“We have now had our apartment for more than 20 years. Even though we don’t play golf. We have never regretted our purchase. The facility’s fantastic concept appeals to us. It is a security to know, that every time we return to the apartment, it is in the same condition as when we left it. This, thanks to our talented staff.

There is always something to do: the large pool, boule, tennis courts, gym, massage and restaurant means that we are never idle. Proximity to shopping and ease to excursions and trips as well as socializing with friends, is also a contributing factor to us always longing here!

We hope to be able to experience this for many more years!”

Eva and Frans B 301

¨17 wonderful years at SV started in 2006 with a Google search.
We booked 3 days in SV before continuing to Pattaya, Jomtien, Phuket, but we quickly got fed up with dense tourism and returned to SV for a 2 week stay.

First bought C205 of 72m2 which was built out with +30m2. After 2 years it became PH C601 of 250m2 for 8 years, with many visits from children and 5 grandchildren.
The grandchildren got older and resulted in fewer visits, so we sold PH and bought C205 84m2 in 2017 which we completely renovated.

The best thing about SV is the social aspect and many new friends.
Daily physical activity in the pool, Fitness Center and bike rides has been a gift for health.
SPA, massage, available nurses, doctors and hospitals in the local area have given us security in terms of health. Good food and drink for cheap money gave us a financial gain during the 4-5 months we have been at SV each year.
A short distance to Bangkok with first-class hotels and champagne brunches is a bonus.

SV is a super investment for a high quality of life and longer life!!¨

Elin and Roald C205
